Orrin Hatch on Blast

Orrin Hatch has been the latest Utah politician to be put on blast by the media. Hatch slipped in legistlation that helps or coddles to a drug company that has donated heavily to him over the years! I believe This ties into a whole tangled mess of politics in the State of Utah right now.

John swallow is one of the drones for Hatch, this whole ethical battle in Utah goes from Orrin Hatch to Gary Herbert on Down to Swallow with many other key players tied into the “good ol boy club”.  This is depressing and sad Utahans that you allow yourselves to get pushed around, and snowed like this by your very own elected officials!~

If Utah doesn’t stand up for it’s self after this mess of ethic battles, bribes, sneaky legislation being passed, hidden agendas and god knows what else they do behind the scenes. Then Utah will have a very hard time removing this black cloud.


This is a recording that Hit the Salt Lake Tribune January the 29th of 2013 the recording is from April 30th, 2012. This is the type of things that go on locally and a National level inside of politics. WE as Americans have obligations to ourselves and this type of behavior is self inflicted. WE allow this to happen and it needs to change.

I believe this is a black eye that the Utah’s Attorney General  John Swallow will never be able to shake. Also we really need to think do we want our top law enforcement officer buying a “burner phone” from Walmart? That’s what typical drug dealer, or criminal would do. They would do things to cover their tracks. I am sure This recording and flutter of stories from the SL Trib over the few weeks should only raise more questions for ALL politicians at ever level State and Federal.

Gary Herbert IS backing an ethic committee after John Swallow Scandal

Gary Herbert finally speaks out about the John Swallow scandal and confirms that he believes we need ethic reforms but maintains the fact that John Swallow made some mistakes. I find it appalling that Governor Herbert can say that we need an ethics panel but he will still allow Swallow to retain his post even after his “ethic lapse”.

Gary Herbert doesn’t want an investigation either because he has done just as much dirt if not more shady and back door dealings just like Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow.

Only a few of the small examples would be, DABC (liquor) problems, UDOT problems, Now a Swallow Scandal. Sounds like the governor is having a free for all in office. Keep in mind this is a short rattling of a long list of shady dealings with these guys. Most Utahans are shocked that the Utah GOP would even agree to an ethics reform. “well over due”.

Gary Herbert is covering for John Swallow

Gary Herbert is covering for John Swallow


Hell I will be honest… I am surprised The Governor got behind Ethics reform! I am stunned that he said Swallow would only need to resign if he were convicted??? Sounds like the whole office from the Governor down has Ethic issues… You can say Mr. Swallow didn’t break the law, however if we are going to change the laws and rules because of this scenario, obviously Mr. Swallow shouldn’t be in office and is doing some unethical things. It goes much farther than putting and ethics committee together.  Especially if the ones violating the ethics put the Committee in place? Not very Smart Utah!