Utah’s Medicaid Expansion

Here is the latest and greatest update on what is happening with Utah’s prop 3 and medicaid expansion. Take a look for all the issues and details to come.


Utah Medicaid Waiver is misguided policy

I haven’t been on this site for a long long time.  Recently I have ventured into healthcare and have began fighting for people. Healthcare is a civil right and not a privilege. Attached is an OP-Ed I did and Utah Policy’s Bryan Schott was kind enough to run the piece for me. Read up as there is some serious concerns about Utah’s pending “work Mandate” .. I will look forward to getting back into better habits of posting updates and new policies.

Utah gets slammed

Check out this article slamming people in high places in the State of Utah.





The Stench of Utah’s Political Spectrum is awful

John Swallow Clearly, lied to the people of Utah. John Swallow among others lied to the people of Utah: Campaign employees, Mark Shurtleff, Jason Powers, John’s Attorneys, his wife, and other politicians I am sure all lied to the people of this State.

Utahan’s should feel dumb for blindly voting for this guy and a little enraged that pretty much all of Capitol Hill new about these scandals before the elections.

We really have to assume anyone related or attached to Jason Powers have their hands dirty as well? Or am I thinking along on this? Utah has to step up on this and demand that the house finish their investigate work and take anyone down that has their hand in this dirty kettle pot.


Former Attorney General John Swallow and other lied to the public

Former Attorney General John Swallow and others lied to the public

Ryan Jensen


More Utah Corruption?

First we have John Swallow, Lt. Governor Bell that are both under federal investigation. Swallow who is in deeper doo doo then Bell and Swallow has many investigations pending. Also West Valley City Police had their own issues lately but now we turn our heads to the newest scandal:

The Tooele County Sheriff’s office now under investigation as well…


Utah…. What the hell is going on??? All the sudden the people that are supposed to be protecting the public are flat out criminalizing us. Taking advantage whatever you want to call it this is absurd… Utahans better check their ethic values real quick.

Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow in Hawk?

Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow in Hawk?.


Intense Article